Abstract Submission

Abstract submission  and Travel Grant Applications are now open

Submissions to present a presentation or poster at the 2025 MW ASPB meeting are now being accepted.

Abstract submission deadlines:

  • For consideration of an oral presentation, Feb 21st, 2025.
  • For poster, March 14th, 2025.

Selected paper and poster presenters will be notified within one week following the established deadlines. Final confirmation as a selected presenter is contingent on the completion of conference registration.

Submissions will be accepted in the following categories/topic areas:

Abiotic Stress
Biochemistry and Metabolism
Biotic Stress
Cell Biology
Computational Biology/Bioinformatics/Modeling
Genes and Genomes
Signal transduction & Hormones
Soils and Soil Health

Whole plant ecophysiology or ecology

Presentation guidelines:

Selected presenters will have 12 minutes for presentation, and 3 minutes for questions.

Poster guidelines:

Posters should be no wider than 40 inches to fit on the poster boards.

There will be two poster sessions, and your poster number, assigned randomly, will determine the session at which you are requested to present, and which you are free to visit others posters. The posters will be in a room immediately adjacent to the presentation room and you are welcome to continue conversations throughout all meals and breaks.