
Registration now open

Sign up for these tours as you register, please! Meeting locations will be sent only to first-come, first-serve registrants.

LICOR Facility
UNL Phenotyping Facility, 2 tours 3 – 3:45 pm, 4 – 4:45 pm

The Innovation Campus Greenhouse is a short drive from the conference center. You must provide your own transportation to this facility, which houses two image-based plant phenotyping systems. The greenhouse scale system can accommodate > 600 large plants and the lab scale system can accommodate multiple trays of small plants. The tour will include up close views of both systems along with a walk-through of the soil preparation, pot filling and wet lab areas. Our phenotyping systems have imaging chambers to facilitate very consistent images and utilize infrared, near infrared, florescent, hyperspectral and visible cameras. We also have facilities at the greenhouse for ground truth measurements including a drying oven for soil moisture and dry biomass along with a Licor leaf area meter.

UNL Beadle Center, 2 tours 3 – 3:45 pm, 4 – 4:45 pm
The UNL Beadle center is within easy walking distance of downtown hotels and the conference center.  It houses world-class proteomics/metabolomics and microscopy core facilities, along with an excellent greenhouse facility. The plant transformation core and many faculty of the Center for Plant Science Innovation Center are housed in Beadle, and this tour will be led by our faculty and graduate students, introducing the core facilities and the beautiful diversity rooms of the greenhouse, overflowing with plants from around the world.


Early Late
(after Feb 14th)
Faculty $100 $125
Graduate student
$50 $60
Undergraduate $25 $30
Non-academic $150 $150